Why Captain Marvel Changed Goose The Cat's Name From Chewie

According to critics who have already seen Captain Marvel, the '90s-set movie is an absolute blast, but let's face it: We're all really just curious about the cat, right? Well, some of us are! Goose the Cat is straight from the comics, but his original name was Chewie, named after the famous Star Wars character. The filmmakers opted to go for a Top Gun reference for the cat's name, which they did to tie the cat a bit more to Captain Marvel's past.
Just the idea of having a reference that would have been so specific to Carol Danvers past, as her past in the movie itself being a pilot in the 1980s when Top Gun was out and having a reference that felt a little bit more specific to her. Whereas Chewie, when the comics were being written, was a very specific reference in time but now with all the movies out it feels more contemporary and not so specific to her past.
In the comic books, Carol Danvers has a cat named Chewie. The cat is obviously named after Chewbacca, which makes sense because Carol is usually spending a lot of time in space and she keeps the cat with her. However, Chewie doesn't really work as a name for her movie cat, and the filmmakers decided that they needed to change.
Co-director Anna Boden told Collider that part of the reason for the name change to Goose was so that they could better tie the cat to her past. Goose is a reference to Top Gun, the ultimate pilot movie. Top Gun was out during the '80s when Carol was an Air Force pilot, so it's a more specific reference to her tastes and past.
Additionally, Chewie is kind of distracting. As co-director Ryan Fleck pointed out, Star Wars movies are everywhere these days, and they wanted to move away from that. Chewie evokes a certain nostalgia, and while the '90s setting no doubt indulges a fair bit in that, the movie just wanted to shy away from the name.
Plus -- in this writer's opinion -- Goose is just a better name.
That mystery is solved, but we're not done with this cat yet! In the comics, the cat isn't a cat at all. He's just an alien species that looks and acts like a cat, but on the inside, it has a whole bunch of tentacles that come out its mouth. We'll have to wait and see if the movie decided to keep that not-so-little detail.
Captain Marvel arrives in theaters on March 8, and early word says Goose is a big scene-stealer. To learn more about the movie until then, here's what we know so far.

The name of Captain Marvel's cat was changed from Chewie to Goose. One of the biggest stars of the upcoming superhero movie, Captain Marvel, is Goose. Goose is Captain Marvel's pet cat. Samuel L Jackson's Nick Fury can be seen petting the cat lovingly before Carol asks him to hurry along in the trailer.
Captain Marvel: Here's Why Goose's Name Was Changed From the

Goose the Cat is straight from the comics, but his original name was Chewie, named after the famous Star Wars character. The filmmakers opted to go for a Top Gun reference for the cat's name, which they did to tie the cat a bit more to Captain Marvel's past.
Why Captain Marvel Changed Goose The Cat's Name From Chewie

Moving on, Captain Marvel made many fans happy when they revealed that the cat would be playing a part in the film,but one thing that has remained a mystery is whether Goose would be a Flerken, an
Captain Marvel's Cat Goose: What the Flerk is a Flerken? | Marvel

Chewie evokes a certain nostalgia, and while the '90s setting no doubt indulges a fair bit in that, the movie just wanted to shy away from the name. Plus -- in this writer's opinion -- Goose is
Why Captain Marvel Changed Goose The Cat's Name From Chewie

Why Captain Marvel Changed Goose The Cat's Name From Chewie

Goose the Cat is straight from the comics, but his original name was Chewie, named after the famous Star Wars character. The filmmakers opted to go for a Top Gun reference for the cat's name, which they did to tie the cat a bit more to Captain Marvel's past.
Here is why the name of Captain Marvel's cat was changed for

Goose was one of many highlights in Captain Marvel, but it was a bit confusing at first whether Goose was a female like in the comics (going by the name of Chewie) or a male.That's because the

By the end of "Captain Marvel," Goose has a new home with an unexpected owner. But we suspect she'll show up again at some point. Flerkens live a lot longer than cats, and this is one kitty we can't get enough from. Read up on the comics origins of Chewie the Cat and Flerkens here. "Captain Marvel" is in theaters now!
Captain Marvel Directors Reveal Why Goose Is Played By A Male Cat

When Funko unveiled their upcoming line of Captain Marvel vinyl figures, the orange tabby got several figures all to herself, but she goes by a different name here than in the comics: Goose. In the comics, Carol -- a massive Star Wars fan -- named her cat Chewie after the Wookiee character of the same name.
Why Goose the Cat Is a Pivotal Character in Captain Marvel

Much like every other Marvel Cinematic Universe film, Captain Marvel makes some changes to the source material. One of changes was to name of Carol's beloved cat, Goose. In the comics, Goose is actually named Chewie, referencing Carol's love of Star Wars. So, why did the film opt to change that element of the character?
Captain Marvel's Cat Renamed for Film | CBR

And Goose does have an essential role in Captain Marvel, besides adorably stowing away on spaceships. It turns out that Goose is not a cat, but just an alien species that looks like a cat called a
'Captain Marvel' Toy Reveals Goose the Cat is an Alien in the
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